

Guinea Pigs




Guinea Pigs

Rabbits can make incredibly fun and wonderful pets. Ranging from large in size with a fluffy hair coat and floppy ears, to small with a smooth hair coat and straight ears, rabbits come in all different shapes and sizes. They can be very curious creatures and very highly social, so It is a good idea if you are thinking of getting a rabbit to handle them often in order to best socialize them. You can even train them to use a litter box!
At Chatham Animal Clinic, we offer wellness exams, nail trims, critical care, and dental evaluation.
Ferrets, also affectionately known as slinky cat snakes or floofer noodles to their owners, can be very curious and entertaining creatures. But beware, ferrets have a very distinct musk odor which will take some getting used to if you are thinking of getting one as a pet. They are also very curious creatures who love to steal and “ferret away” or hide shiny objects.
At Chatham Animal Clinic we offer routine wellness veterinary care of ferrets and more specialized care such as sick appointments, general work ups, and blood glucose monitoring.
Rats make excellent pets especially if they are handled and socialized from an early age. They are smart, friendly, social, very active, and easily trained.
At Chatham Animal Clinic, we offer a wide variety of services for rats such as general wellness visits, spay/neuter procedures, general surgery, and dental evaluations.